Mary Cohr professional beauty salons

Mary Cohr helps make women beautiful all over the world in beauty salons with Beauty Therapists. Thirty years of professional experience are a testament to the effectiveness of our treatments.

‘Beauty Doctor’ Beauty Therapists & Treatment Rooms

‘Beauty Doctor’ Beauty Therapists & Treatment Rooms

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Treatment properties

Treatment properties

Mary Cohr looks to nature for the best beauty ingredients to help women.

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A laboratory that meets pharmaceutical standards

A laboratory that meets pharmaceutical standards

Mary Cohr treatment products are derived from science and nature, and formulated by a leading-edge cosmetics laboratory.

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Mary Cohr’s commitment to the environment

Mary Cohr’s commitment to the environment

Mary Cohr: An environmentally committed brand

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Guinot-Mary Cohr Academy

Guinot-Mary Cohr Academy

Professional cosmetology, make-up and perfumery school.

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